Krupa A Rai, PhDPreparation of a proposal for the Master’s thesisIn my previous article- How to approach a Master’s thesis, I emphasized — how one can be scientific and systematic in his/her thought…Oct 1, 20201Oct 1, 20201
Krupa A Rai, PhDHow to approach Master’s thesisApart from research publication, I often receive questions on writing thesis, both a master’s thesis and doctoral thesis. What I have…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Krupa A Rai, PhDA conceptualization dilemma: Knowing the (un)known!For the majority of management students market research is all about quantitative analysis with charts and graphs. Very little, we…Oct 24, 20201Oct 24, 20201
Krupa A Rai, PhDWhat we do not know about learning!Learning theories & inquiry paradigmsDec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020